Recommended by Jodi Sh. Doff
I'm a DIYer, but after struggling to customize Substack’s wordmark, I finally got smart and turned to Nan at StyleYourStack. Nan has the tech skills, design experience, and the ability to create a big impact and with minimalist aura. She wrangled my wordmark and helped with my logo. Next time, I’ll save myself the aggravation and head to her first.
Writing about parenting, single parenting, struggles, joy and spirituality. You know, life, the hard stuff and the joyful stuff
Because Abigail Thomas. You shouldn't need any other reason.
The answer is you can if you want to, but you don't have to. Life when you find yourself grown, childless and suddenly single.
Peeling the layers of the onion to self-discovery and acceptance.
Everything he writes feels like poetry, but without the annoying rhyming and couplets
If you're going through it with a parent or partner, the only way to survive is to hear the experience of others, those who've come before us and survived.
Another truth teller, who does not suffer fools or skirt issues, but has a heart the size of a buffalo.
sober. honest. thoroughly enjoyable. Understands that having sober sex and enjoying sober sex are two different things.
Memoir is my favorite genre, if it's yours too, you'll love the short pieces found here.