Jul 31Liked by Jodi Sh. Doff

This is devastating and beautiful.

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Really powerful, Jodi. You’ve given me a lot to think about.

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Thanks for reading and checking out The Long Goodbye. I'm also a member of the "tribe" if you hadn't guessed that already.

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Always good to connect with other members! 🤗

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Beautiful, searing reflections, Jodi. Happy 67--just keep writing! XO

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Jul 24Liked by Jodi Sh. Doff

WOW and more WOW. Too much to react to . . . most of us try to do the best we can and that is all we can do. Most of us look back and say, "what if?", but what's the point? Things happen for a reason even if we don't understand why. Maybe having her with you and mothering her was for you and not her and that is OK!! She has been valued and loved, and you have? Maybe you will figure it out soon, or maybe after she is gone, but something tells me you WILL figure it out and in the end you will not regret what you have done. XXOO

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"Things happen for a reason even if we don't understand why." Ain't that the truth. I have a tattoo that says in Chinese, the end of chaos is the beginning of opportunity. I need to be reminded that something good can come out of something awful. Always. It's all perspective. I don't regret bringing her here for me, but I will always wonder which would have been better for her in the long run. A longer life with me, or a shorter one surrounded by friends.🤷‍♀️ No way of knowing.

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Exactly! No way of knowing. So we live with our decisions. The sign of an emotionally intelligent and wonderful human being is always THINKING and FEELING, which can sometimes be our detriment. I am glad you have your writing to help work through stuff. Because of you she is loved and has grace this last chapter of her life. That's more than so many get. I hope you find peace with it all. Happy birthday again!

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Jul 23Liked by Jodi Sh. Doff

This is deeply moving, brutally honest testimony. I've wondered the same thing off and on over the past eight years.

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I know. Thing is, it's impossible to know. What if we made a left instead of a right. A thousand little variables. You, like me, are doing the best you know how. Also, my hair looks just like yours now and I keep reminding myself of you.❤️

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🎂 Happy Birthday, Jodi! A big hug, hon!

Oof this is a powerful article. I will bear witness and sit alongside you. No answers, simply listening.

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I welcome your company and companionship.

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